Information on how to pay

Methods of payment for documents and services

Payment can be made to Affordable Law for You through PayPal

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay using this method as a guest user.

For information about our costs please go to our Standard Costs page.

If you wish us to assist you with a matter that is not covered by our standard costs we would inform you that our costs for assisting our clients on a piecemeal basis in respect of a case is £80.00 per hour payable in advance to include time for reading and considering documents, responding to your texts, e-mails, WhatsApp messages and telephone calls.

If you only require us to undertake research for you on a point of law, statutes or research case law to assist you to assess the success of your claim then our charges are £30.00 per hour.

If you require us to undertake emergency work which needs to be forwarded to you within 24 hours then the cost involved will be £100.00 per hour.

If you wish to pay by PayPal please go to Standard Costs.

If you forward your written instructions to us and any documentation that you wish us to consider in respect of your legal issue we will revert to you with details of the time and cost that will be involved in dealing with your legal matter. Please forward all documentation to us at

Payments should be made at the time that you forward your instructions to us and no work can be undertaken until we receive payment. Once we receive instructions from you our Terms and Conditions will apply to all work undertaken on your behalf.


10% of all profits are used to support charities and local community groups

The charities we support at present are below

WWF - The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment.

Send a Cow - Send a Cow is a force for change in rural Africa. We help people grow their own futures – on their own land, on their own terms.

World Vision - World Vision works to make a serious and sustainable impact on poverty and its causes, especially as they affect children. They aree committed to long-term change, which means connecting people. Whether it's enabling people in developing communities to support each other, or linking donors to those in need through child sponsorship, or creating networks to campaign for justice, they believe that getting people connected is the best way to make a difference.